



火博体育大学 informs incoming students about bias-related 犯罪 and prevention measures through programs that include workshops, seminars, discussion groups, and 定位会话. The purpose of these programs is to disseminate information about bias-related 犯罪, promote discussion, encourage reporting of incidents of 此类犯罪,便于预防. 学院提供的信息包括:

(1) Applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations on bias-related 犯罪, including the provisions and coverage of the Hate Crimes Act of 2000 codified in article 485 纽约州刑法的一部分. The laws and penalties for the commission of bias-related 犯罪可以定位在 纽约法律网站.

A person commits a hate 犯罪 when he or she commits a specified offense and either:

(a) intentionally selects the person against whom the offense is committed or intended to be committed in whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person, regardless of whether 信念或感知是正确的,或者
(b) intentionally commits the act or acts constituting the offense in whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct.

When a person is convicted of a hate 犯罪, the 犯罪 s大厅 be deemed to be a higher category than the specified offense the defendant committed. 具体处罚和 刑期可在 纽约法律网站.

(3) Procedures in effect at the College for dealing with bias-related 犯罪

Students should notify the Skidmore Office of 校园安全 (x5567) immediately of all incidents of bias-related 犯罪 so that protection – including police protection -如有需要可提供. When the accused is a 火博体育大学 student, the victim should file a report with Skidmore 校园安全 or with any of the on-campus designated 人事(见《火博体育官网》2004-05,p. 指定人员名单(37). These individuals can provide students an opportunity to explore, in a private, one-on-one discussion, the full range of legal, medical, and counseling options available to them, both on campus and in the 萨拉托加温泉市 community.

学生可以向警方提出正式指控. 如果需要,火博体育办公室 校园安全 will provide students with information to help them with that decision. Campus safety officers or representatives of the College are available to accompany the victim to the police station to file formal charges. 学院没有控制 over criminal 调查s and criminal processes. 学生可以读大学 judicial hearing by filing formal charges with the College, whether or not they pursue the case via formal charges through the New York State criminal system.

Enrolled students who believe they have been victims of bias-related 犯罪 may file formal charges with the Skidmore judicial system if the alleged perpetrator is an 录取的学生. Although there is no time limit on the filing of formal charges with the College, a prompt formal charge is likely to result in a more satisfactory 调查. For more information on the campus judicial system, see the Student 手册2004-05,pp. 13-18.

(4) Availability of counseling and other support services for the victims of bias-related 犯罪

If you believe that you have been the victim of a bias-related 犯罪, remember that the Counseling Center and Health 服务 are available to all students free of charge. All consultations are fully confidential, and counseling is available whether or not you decide to report an incident of bias-related 犯罪.

(5) Nature of and common circumstances concerning bias-related 犯罪 on college campuses

Such 犯罪s can involve racial epithets, disparate treatment based on racially or gender-related assumptions, sexually discriminatory behaviors in terms of "hostile environment" (sexual harassment), and intolerance toward openly gay students (in language 和行动). 分类包括:1.faculty/staff-to-student incidents; 2. faculty-to-faculty, staff-to-staff incidents; and 3. 学生与学生之间的案例会提交给主任 机构多样性的吸引力.

(6) The methods the College employs to advise and update students about security procedures

Safety orientations are conducted each year for first-year students during New Student Orientation and for all students at meetings held in the fall semester in each residence 大厅. In addition, numerous educational and awareness programs are sponsored throughout the year by student affairs staff members, student clubs and organizations, and the 安全性关系中心. 校园安全办公室发布安全警报 when appropriate with information provided in a timely fashion to all members of the 大学社区. These alerts may be transmitted via the College network, phone 留言系统,并张贴传单.