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Thanksgiving Break COVID-19 precautions


Dear Skidmore Community, 

Ahead of Thanksgiving break later this week, we write to share recommendations to help ensure a safe transition to and from break. It is important that we continue to take steps to keep our community safe.  


Free rapid tests are currently available to students, as well as to employees concerned about a workplace exposure. Students are encouraged to pick up a box of tests before leaving campus and to test before returning to campus. Tests are available at the Case Center information desk from 9 a.m. 到下午6点.m. Monday through Friday and from Campus Safety after hours. 

If you are sick or have been exposed to COVID-19, please mask up and test.‌ Any members of our community concerned about exposure to COVID-19 or showing symptoms of potential COVID-19 should test before returning to campus.  

If you test positive while away, you must complete your required five-day isolation period away from campus. Students should review these guidelines for self-reporting and isolation. Employees must inform their supervisor or department chair, email 人力资源, follow CDC guidelines.   

Mask up in higher-risk situations 

Consider wearing a mask if you are going to be in spaces or places where transmission may be more likely to occur, such as crowded events or while traveling. 免费KN95 masks remain available to all on campus.  


If you have not yet received an updated COVID-19 vaccine or flu shot, please consider doing so as soon as possible. 

These steps will help us ensure that we can return after the Thanksgiving recess healthy and ready to complete the remainder of the fall semester. Although COVID-19 no longer represents the epidemic it once did, it is important to remember that this disease affects people in very different ways.  

As we now face the endemic phase of this disease, our society and Skidmore community will continue to adjust our response. Even as the steps the College is taking will continue to evolve, acting responsibly and considerately to protect our entire community — especially those who are more vulnerable —will always align with our Skidmore community’s 核心价值观.  



The COVID-19 Logistics Working Group 

‌‌Adrian Bautista, (Co-Chair), Dean of Students and Vice President for 学生事务  
‌Sarah Vero, (Co-Chair), Vice President for 人力资源 and General Counsel  
Abigail Caldwell, Director of Health Services    
‌Pat Fehling, Associate Dean of the Faculty and Professor for Health and Human Physiological 科学 
‌Julia Routbort Baskin, Associate Dean of 学生事务 for Health and Wellness 
‌‌Elizabeth Stauderman, Vice President for Communications and Marketing